Sealing ring heat exchanger for Porsche 964 993 924 944 turbo 99311119500
Sealing ring heat exchanger for Porsche 964 993 924 944 turbo 99311119500
We usually don’t stock this part, it is ordered from our German supplier so please allow us up to 8-10 days to have them delivered. It can happen our supplier is out of stock in that case we will notify you immediately and send you a refund. If you have any further questions or need the part very quickly please feel free to get in touch.
When individual components of the exhaust system such as the heat exchanger or the exhaust are replaced, the corresponding gaskets should always be replaced as well. Here you can get a corresponding sealing ring.
Attention this sealing ring is used in different places depending on the vehicle type (e.g. on the bypass valve of the turbocharger or on the heat exchanger!).
Under the brand name REINZ hides a subsidiary of Dana Incorporated, which was founded back in 1920 in Berlin. Dana is a global leader in the manufacture of powertrains, sealing systems and thermal management products. The Reinz brand is responsible for sealing and shielding systems. Then as now, the Reinz name is synonymous with innovative, world-class sealing technologies.
Reference numbers:
93112319500, 931.123.195.00, 931 123 195 00
94411120506, 944.111.205.06, 944 111 205 06
99311119400, 993.111.194.00, 993 111 194 00
99311119500, 993.111.195.00, 993 111 195 00