Wishbone original for Porsche 944 '87-'91 in exchange RIGHT SPORT
Wishbone original for Porsche 944 '87-'91 in exchange RIGHT SPORT
We usually don’t stock this part, it is ordered from our German supplier so please allow us up to 8-10 days to have them delivered. It can happen our supplier is out of stock in that case we will notify you immediately and send you a refund. If you have any further questions or need the part very quickly please feel free to get in touch.
These original wishbones have been reconditioned by an ISO-certified specialist company.
You can also find a standard variant with original rubber compound in our store.
From the geometry also fit the M030 wishbones in the 944 models without M030. They differ in the 2 additional holes for brake cooling of the M030 variant.
So if you want to convert your 944 to this cooling system, you can also use the M030 wishbones.
The air guides are available from Porsche for under 20EUR.
We have all 944-II / 968 control arms in stock. Just call us if you are unsure or write a short email.